Ausschreibungen (Zusammenfassung) Bau
Within the framework of the German Financial Cooperation with Albania funds were provided to the Albanian government for investment measures in the Water and Wastewater Sectors which earmark medium sized cities. Additional funds were provided by EU under the IPA 2018 action, directed to wastewater by the Swiss government through SECO. The Municipal Infrastructure Programme V (MIP V) (BMZ-Nr. 2013 66 467) includes the city of Fier. The focus of the project is the improvement of the water supply systems and sewerage. The scope of the contract includes the supply/installation and Construction of Water Supply Network, Reservoirs, Wells, Pumping Station, SCADA, Sewer Network, Sewer Pumping Station. Specifically: Water Supply Supply and installation of 45 km supply network of network pipes diameter = PE 225 OD , including electro-fusion fittings, valves, domestic water meters, hydrants , the construction of approximately 2,266 house connections (Pipes for house connections in PE-RC OD 20 – OD 63 mm) and the supply and installation of electro magnetic flow meters for district metering in diameters between DN 80 to DN 300. Rehabilitation works at one reservoir including installation of four bulk flow meter, three gate valves DN 400, installation of pipes and fittings to improve the outflow situation and the installation of level sensors at multiple reservoirs. At the location of water resource: Four existing wells shall be rehabilitated and another four to be drilled new. Supply and Installation of pipework from wells to pumping reservoirs, refurbishment of existing pumping reservoirs, construction of the new main pumping station comprising two independent sets of pumps (3 pumps + 4 pumps). Installation of flow meter and pressure sensors and new disinfection facility. Establishment of a local SCADA for pump station and wells and connection to the central SCADA . Upgrade of the central SCADA system including instrumentation and facilities such as bulk flow meters in the network, reservoirs, pumping stations, production of wells. One SCADA Control center at the main pump station and one SCADA client centre in UK main office have to be established. Wastewater Replacement of 8.7 km of sewer pipes of pipes dimension = PE 630 OD, including 253 manholes and 980 house connections. Construction of a new sewer pumping station comprising four chambers and 2 pumps to be installed. Cleaning work for the existing sewer transmission main DN600/DN800.
Sh.A. Ujesjelles Kanalizime Fier
Director's Office
Lagjja “1 Maj” ,Rruga “TasiDema”
9300 Fier

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