Tender for Disaster Risk Reduction Consultancy in Tajikistan

Ausschreibungen (Zusammenfassung) Bau
The consultant will perform the following activities: 1.1a. Hazards and Risk Vulnerability Assessment: a.Modeling potential impact of avalanche, rockfall, landslide for Khorog; b.Performing risk evaluation and identifying practical solutions to prevent them. c.Validation of existing assessment results and cross validation with remote sensing and modelling results. d.Assessment of legislation and policy frameworks, identifying challenges and constraints and provision of recommendations on requirements to fill existing gaps e.in consultation with the AKAH team, propose improved tools, approaches and methodology, which may include modelling for multi-hazard disaster risk assessment with guidelines for implementation; 1.2b. Mitigation assessment: f.Identifying and prioritizing areas with high environmental risk. g.Providing appropriate mitigation measures depending on the type of hazards. h.Conducting remote sensing analysis of potential hazard zone and comparing and validating with field assessment of hazards. i.Providing cost estimation for small to big mitigation project with their design. 1.3c. Climate change impact and adaptation: j.Assessing the potential risk caused by climate change. k.Finding measures to adapt to climate change impacts based on provided information. l.Developing a framework for assessing vulnerability to climate change. 1.4d. Conducting training and capacity building session on: m.Hazard and risk assessment methodologies. n.Climate Change adaptation. o.Identification of potential hazards zone using remote sensing techniques specifically: i.Hazard modeling using remote sensing for avalanches and rockfalls and landslides. ii.Complex mitigation recommendations development iii.Interpolation of satellite images for hazard detection using remote sensing. p.Spatial analysis and advanced cartography. q.Mitigation project development.
The branch of Aga Khan Agen-cy for Habitat in Tajikistan
34 Rudaki (Tcell Plaza, 10th floor)
734000 Dushanbe




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