P.601744, southern network, line, replacement axle counter - SOB South

Ausschreibungen (Zusammenfassung) Bau
The purpose of this tender is to evaluate a future axle counting system for AZ GfM conversions in the SOB Southern network. A framework contract/call-off contract will be concluded with the winner of the tender for call-off orders for axle counting material for the indoor and outdoor system and optional project planning, factory testing and commissioning for subsequent projects. The first project that will call off axle counting material from the concluded contract is the project "P.601744, Southern network, line, replacement of axle counters" in which eight line axle counter sections will be replaced. Schweizerische Südostbahn AG is evaluating a new axle counter system for future AZ GfM conversions in the SOB southern network. As a first renewal project, eight AZ line axle counting sections between the operating points WAE-SAM, PF-SAM and SAM-RTT will be replaced. The axle counter modernisations will take place in the indoor facilities of the RTT, FRBS, WOL, BGH and SAM operating points. The project planning, programming/parameterisation, factory testing and commissioning of the new axle counting systems will be carried out by SOB itself for the first eight axle counting line sections and in future for smaller to medium-sized installations. For larger axle counting systems, the SOB will in future be able to purchase complete axle counting systems including project planning, parameterisation, factory testing, commissioning and documentation. Over the next few years, further stations in the southern network will be successively upgraded to the new axle counting system.
Schweizerische Südostbahn AG
Oliver Huber
Schützengasse 3
8001 Zürich




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